Next week I'm off to Scottsdale, AZ for 4 days for the Oil Painters of America annual show at the Legacy Gallery there. I'm discovering that it's quite a prestigious event... They had 2650
submissions and less than two hundred were chosen (one of mine). The dates are April 30th to May 31
The OPA also holds a convention/ conference covering all topics related to the fine art world like how to frame your work , how to approach prospective galleries, and painting demonstrations by successful artists..... For those of you formally of the Record Industry, it sounds very much like a NARM convention and I'm definitely up for that...... There's also some cash prizes in the show ...1st prize being $22000!!!
The OPA also holds a convention/ conference covering all topics related to the fine art world like how to frame your work , how to approach prospective galleries, and painting demonstrations by successful artists..... For those of you formally of the Record Industry, it sounds very much like a NARM convention and I'm definitely up for that...... There's also some cash prizes in the show ...1st prize being $22000!!!